Bioanalysis has contributed substantially to IPRC's leading position as an internationally recognized CRO
Our laboratories have the capability to develop and validate analytical methods for a variety of drug substances and metabolites using sophisticated high-throughput technologies. IPRC utilizes a wide range of techniques available for bioanalysis, e.g., LCMSMS, LCMS, UPLC and HPLC.
Our staff, chemists holding Ph.D., MS or Bachelor of Science degrees have years of experience in this field. Some of our staff are editorial members and / or referees of internationally distinguished journals. Our chemists handle SCIEX (4000, 4500, 6500, 6500+ & 7500 QQQ-QTRAP) and Waters triple quadrupole stations, as well, manage UPLC and HPLC connected to UV, Florescence or ECD detectors. Watson LIMSTM is used for lab information management.
Our qualified and trained chemists working at the analytical laboratories, distributed into five teams, have the ability to handle more than five projects at the same time. Our team has the capacity to conduct more than 180 BE/ BA/ PK studies per year adhering to the highest quality standards and in accordance with GLP and international regulations. We have developed and validated more than 350 analytical methods and the list increases daily.